Research and Development Projects


SPRIET, or Small Plasma RF Integrated Electrothermal Thruster, is an RF-Argon Plasma Thruster that has been jointly designed and developed by the Cal Poly CubeSat Lab and Australian National University. SPRIET is currently designed to be fully integrated into a 1U module and has a functioning prototype. Ongoing developments to optimize mass, volume, and propellant storage aim to increase the Delta-V of the system. Alternate propellant options are also being explored due to the supercritical nature of Argon in its operational storage conditions. Additionally, a DC-to-RF conversion board is being developed to permit fully self-contained propulsion unit operation. 

Project Leads: Neil Bedagkar and Mont Murad


Star Tracker

The Cal Poly CubeSat Star Tracker team is actively engaged in the development of an in-house star tracker system. Their current focus involves the integration and debugging of the flight software, responsible for capturing and processing star images, identifying star positions, and calculating spacecraft attitude. Current work includes rigorous night-sky and hardware-in-the-loop testing, where the star tracker is exposed to simulated or real starry skies. This testing enables them to evaluate the accuracy and robustness of the star tracker's measurements under different conditions. Additionally, the team is dedicated to managing and mitigating distortions that may affect the star tracker's imaging capabilities by analyzing the hardware in lab conditions. Their diligent efforts contribute to advancing the field of small satellite technology and furthering the success of future space missions.

Project Lead: Bryce Raymundo


Reaction Wheels

Reaction Wheels are a common, but expensive, components used in CubeSats that can accurately position a satellite using an imparted momentum (or impulse) from a rotating flywheel to adjust a satellite’s attitude. The primary objective for this ongoing internal project is to develop, design, assemble, test, and then manufacture more functional and lower-cost 3-axis reaction wheels. Additionally, we will be developing wheel housings based on previous research completed by a Master’s student at Cal Poly to be implemented in future CubeSats for CPCL and external customers.

Project Leads: Jacky Hu



ISP-POD, the Interplanetary Space Poly-Picosatellite Orbital Deployer, involves the development of a standardized deployer for deep space CubeSats to tag along with larger primary spacecraft. ISP-POD is designed with long-scale travel time in mind and must provide support to the CubeSats during transport to their release destination. The current design is targeting either the Moon or Mars to reflect current public appeal and interest.

Project Leads: Gretta Thompson and Sabrina Luo